Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Essay Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience for my indie/rock magazine would be young adults at the age of 18-25 years old. I decided to choose people from aged 18 because by this age, these teenagers will have decided what type of music they like to listen to. Also, people this age will be likely to spend money on magazines and my magazine is perfectly affordable for this audience. My magazine costs £2.50 and is published monthly, which means my readers get a lot of information at a suitable price. I think my target audience will appreciate the price of my magazine because it is good value for money, and since many of my readers will be young adults, mainly students, they will want a good deal. Also, they will want to find out information about festivals and concerts they could go to, and I will have these features in my magazine. Also, I can include advertisements for alcohol because my audience will be legal to drink; therefore I am not restricted on what I feature in my magazine.
The music industry is constantly changing which indicates that the gender for my target audience will vary over time. I have decided that my magazine will gain mainly female readers because lately, more magazine front covers like 'NME' and 'Q' are aimed at women and have female cover models.
The type of social class my magazine will be aimed at is working class/middle class. This is because a lot of my target audience will be students. My magazine will be aimed at people who are at university or have apprenticeships or jobs.
I believe my target audience would be very interested in festivals, and go to lots of concerts in their spare time. I think they would own an ipod, or mp3 player and use it constantly in their spare time. I think that my audience would express themselves through music, and probably play an instrument such as guitar, piano or drums. I think they would describe themselves and unique and different, and their fashion would reflect this. I think they would wear typical indie/rock festival fashion, such as checkered shirts and biker boots.
I also think that its likely my readers would want a future within the music industry, whether it be songwriting, performing or producing, I think they would be very interested in this. Some of my other readers may just read the magazine for pleasure and escapism; to escape from their problems such as a boring job, and they will be entertained by my magazine.

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